SkinMedica Scar Recovery Gel with Centelline Helps minimize the appearance of scars. BENEFITS: Softens and minimizes the appearance of scars that are red or pink SKIN TYPE: All Skin Types. APPLICATION: Apply Scar Recovery Gel twice daily directly to scars, or smaller incisions and everyday cuts after the wound has healed. Use should continue until the scar appears flat and white without redness directly to scars, or smaller incisions and everyday cuts. KEY INGREDIENTS: Centelline: A synergistic complex comprising Centella asiatica, Bulbine frutescens and Oleuropein.
SkinMedica Scar Recovery Gel with Centelline Helps minimize the appearance of scars. BENEFITS: Softens and minimizes the appearance of scars that are red or pink SKIN TYPE: All Skin Types. APPLICATION: Apply Scar Recovery Gel twice daily directly to scars, or smaller incisions and everyday cuts after the wound has healed. Use should continue until the scar appears flat and white without redness directly to scars, or smaller incisions and everyday cuts. KEY INGREDIENTS: Centelline: A synergistic complex comprising Centella asiatica, Bulbine frutescens and Oleuropein.
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