Sig on Smith limited aloha shirtDeadstock - Released June 26th, 2020Color: black w/ lilac inkSize: smallProduct description:WAIKAHALULU ELUAWe are continually inspired by the streets of Waikahalulu and the creatives that work within these blocks. From Fighting Eel near Fort Street to the APB boys on River now featured on this art.In collaboration with David Jamie of Blue Star Builders, we took a different approach to the aesthetic of my Dads hand cut art, applying the painted design onto the concrete floors of Kaiao_Space. Presenting a new perspective of this classic art, we honor these streets we walk and our new location in Chinatown.Please ask if you have any questions :)
Sig on Smith limited aloha shirtDeadstock - Released June 26th, 2020Color: black w/ lilac inkSize: smallProduct description:WAIKAHALULU ELUAWe are continually inspired by the streets of Waikahalulu and the creatives that work within these blocks. From Fighting Eel near Fort Street to the APB boys on River now featured on this art.In collaboration with David Jamie of Blue Star Builders, we took a different approach to the aesthetic of my Dads hand cut art, applying the painted design onto the concrete floors of Kaiao_Space. Presenting a new perspective of this classic art, we honor these streets we walk and our new location in Chinatown.Please ask if you have any questions :)
【コムドットゆうた着用】アディダス☆デサント刺繍ロゴ入りトラックジャケット 緑紺
marni マルニ モヘアカーディガン 21aw
DSQUARED2 ディースクエアード デニムシャツ48 アーガイル柄
バーバリー カーディガン ブラック XLサイズ
MAISON SPECIAL ジラフプライムオーバークルーネックモヘヤニット
Kragg Cotton Logo/クラッグ コットン ロゴ ショートスリーブ