Oxford reading and Discover 1-6 海外購入品のため、角スレなどご理解の上ご購入ください。発送時期お急ぎの方ご連絡ください。Oxford Read and DiscoverLevel 1 - Level 6 Format: PaperbackSize:14.8 x 21CMApx. 58 pages each book Level 1 - 20 books Level 2 - 20 booksLevel 3 - 20 books Level 4 - 20 booksLevel 5 - 14 books Level 6 - 14 booksNew non-fiction graded reading special exercises with full-color photos make English learning exciting. The theme of this series includes three university subjects, including technology/humanities/arts and social sciences. Attractive photos, maps, data sheets and charts help students understand the content. Special exercises in each book train students research and explanation skills. Flexible content design, suitable for free reading or reading tutoring courses. The end of each reading is accompanied by extended reading and critical thinking activities, which helps to develop students language skills and critical thinking.
Oxford reading and Discover 1-6 海外購入品のため、角スレなどご理解の上ご購入ください。発送時期お急ぎの方ご連絡ください。Oxford Read and DiscoverLevel 1 - Level 6 Format: PaperbackSize:14.8 x 21CMApx. 58 pages each book Level 1 - 20 books Level 2 - 20 booksLevel 3 - 20 books Level 4 - 20 booksLevel 5 - 14 books Level 6 - 14 booksNew non-fiction graded reading special exercises with full-color photos make English learning exciting. The theme of this series includes three university subjects, including technology/humanities/arts and social sciences. Attractive photos, maps, data sheets and charts help students understand the content. Special exercises in each book train students research and explanation skills. Flexible content design, suitable for free reading or reading tutoring courses. The end of each reading is accompanied by extended reading and critical thinking activities, which helps to develop students language skills and critical thinking.
オランダ語 絵本 HetHet prinsessenboek デザイン アート
フランス語 10-20代 雑誌 Le monde des ados シャカポンク
The Dog Observed: Photographs 1844-1988
新品 オラクルカードセット
MONOGRAMMES アルファベット図案集 刺繍図案集
花花様 お取り置き